basement flooring ideas

The Best Basement Renovation Ideas You Need To Know

If you are looking for inspiring cues as you’re considering the best ideas when it comes to stunning basement renovations, we turned to Décor Aid renovation experts to share the top basement remodeling do’s and don’t to help you transform your space.

But before you take in their cues, there are a few essential things you need to consider before you really get started on investing in basement renovations so you can get the look and feel right. What are you going to be using your neglected basement for? Who is going to be using your basement? How are you going to get effective light down there? Answering these three questions will set you well on your way to charting a course on some great basement renovation ideas before you chose the perfect ones for your home. So, let’s get started, shall we?

Who is the space for?

Think about who is going to be using this space – the users and use will help you determine the layout, lighting, and contents more precisely and easier as well. Will you be using it as an entertaining space? Considering a bar area and refrigeration facilities, maybe a kitchenette? Or will you be using it as a guest room for overnight visitors? If so, then you’ll also need to think about plumbing, so you can provide them proper bathroom facilities. If it’s going to be a playroom or game room for you or children, think about creating a smart floorplan boasting storage space and the addition of a soft, safe floor.

Whatever you are going to be using your basement space for, make sure you have taken time to think about it, as they are much harder to make drastic changes to once your basement renovations are completed. And that’s simply because when it comes to expanding your home when it/s not a must, it becomes harder to justify costly renovations over time.

What will your basement become?

Since you’re working with what was a neglected, empty space that more often than not boasts an expansive open floorplan, it’s important to keep in mind what the purpose of your investment is going towards – besides increasing the value of your property. Because when it comes to brilliantly realized basement renovations or any home upgrade for that matter, it always pays to plan ahead to save you time, money, and the many problems that can arise when a renovation isn’t properly planned ahead of time.

With that said, here’s our top takes on different basement remodel ideas that are worth considering for inspiration and style cues so you can get the most use from your efforts.

Kids Playroom

As you probably know by now, kids can take up a lot of space, and so do all their toys and activities, so creating a special place for your kids to play in when considering your basement remodeling plans makes for an excellent idea. Choose bright lighting and colors that catch their eye that you’ll be happy with after they’ve outgrown the space, and investing in a soft, cushiony floor that’s comfortable and safe to play on is a must. Make space for their crafts and have plenty of storage, built-in or freestanding, so everything can be put away and organized with ease.

Kids playrooms are easy to create without having to spend too much, which is great if you need to complete your basement renovation on a budget. And even better when you think about their zone having its own floor where everything will be out of sight in your living room and common areas upstairs. Just be sure that everyone mutually agrees on the design direction you go in as you’ll want to be visually pleased every time you enter your basement and think about all of the time, planning, and costs that went into creating your basement renovations.

Chic Bar

Forget the kid’s playroom – this is a space for adults only. If you love entertaining and you are partial to a glass of wine or two every now and then, then creating a beautifully stylized personal home bar has to be one of the best of all the basement renovation ideas for your home. Exposed brick, dark wood flooring, and soft, moody lighting makes for a chic and intimate bar design.

Install a sound system and flatscreen TV on a main wall so you can invite friends to come around to watch films and choose some timeless bar stools to make the most of your new counter space. Make the best use of the space by bringing in some low lying tables and chairs or sofas so you can divide the area into sections to create intimate conversation areas. Our interior designers also suggested that you keep the overall look consistent, sophisticated, and grownup in feel so you don’t run the risk of having your basement renovations come off as too playful or ill-conceived. 

Guest Room

If you often have out of town guests or relatives over for a stay, then a beautifully designed guest bedroom makes for a perfect addition to your basement remodeling plans. Keep the décor timeless, minimal and relaxing, with plush rugs and comfortable chairs and enough storage space to stow their luggage. And to save money on flooring, our interior designers suggest bringing in thin carpeting for added warmth and comfort.

If you want the space to be self-contained, add a kitchenette and a small bathroom so your guests don’t have to come onto the main levels and use the bathroom. Plus, everyone will have their own private space and it could come in handy as your children get older and want their own dedicated area as well.

A Personal Oasis To Getaway

You can also create a personalized space designed just for you, so you can escape from the rest of the world and spend time relaxing and doing what you love. Whether you enjoy reading and you are looking to create a relaxing reading nook and mini library, whether you are into your music and you want to make this a space where you can listen or play or you just want your basement to be a soothing haven where no one can bother you, the design is all up to your tastes and lifestyle.

Whatever you want from your customized basement renovations, stick true to yourself so you can get the best use of it in the long run. However, that said, we do suggest shying away from anything to theme oriented or obvious as you should want your basement renovations to boost the value of your property instead of being too unique, making it a hard sell.

A Well-Judged Game Room

If your home currently provides space for all of the things you may need from above, then a smartly stylized game room can make for a delightful idea when considering basement renovations and unique additions to make your home stand out. Consider bringing in a large retractable projector screen for one wall that you can use for watching films or playing console games.

Pair it with some comfortable chairs and sofas, so you and guests can kick back and game in comfort (as soon as your basement renovations are completed – yes, sometimes you have to wait for the games to begin). Or, how about a well-designed pool table towards the back and an old-fashioned arcade game for when you are in the mood for something nostalgic? We’d also suggest a mini-him bar complete fridge and a snack station, so you don’t have to end up repeatedly going up and down the stairs to retrieve items.

A Proper Laundry Room

Another helpful idea when it comes to game-changing basement renovations is to think about creating a proper laundry room that’ll let you clean and iron clothes in a space that’s much more expansive than a standard laundry room.

Plus, it’ll help to keep dirty clothing contained in its own area, making chore day all the easier since you can also create a clothesline downstairs so you won’t have to go in and out of your home to hang dry your delicates.

A Home Gym

If you are into daily fitness practices, then basement remodeling plans to create a well-judged home gym are sure to work to your benefit. Keep the décor minimal and be sure to include a wall of mirrors including a mounted barre so you can work on your technique while making your basement look larger and brighter. Make sure you have plenty of extra room for cardio machines and weights and consider the best type of flooring materials for the exercises you find yourself most often doing.

And don’t keep your basement renovations to yourself – offer to lend the use of your gym out to your neighbors, friends, and family members so that everyone can take advantage of your stunning and brilliantly planned basement renovation. And maybe, your new home gym will keep you inspired to work out more frequently.

Let’s Talk About Lighting

Getting enough light into a basement can be tricky. Getting all the way through your basement renovations and still feeling like the space is dark and dingy, is not a position you want to be in. That’s why lighting your basement properly is of the utmost importance – light takes a basement from an impractical and unusable space and makes it into somewhere you can enjoy spending your time. So, let’s talk about some of the lighting options available for basement remodeling.

Natural Light:

Natural light is like the Holy Grail in a basement – it’s very, very hard to come by. If you are lucky enough to have an inflow of natural light into your basement, then you are one of the few chosen ones. Make the most of the natural light you have with reflective surfaces like mirrors and high-shine finishes and light colors – don’t let it go to waste.

Recessed Ceiling Lights:

If you have the option, recessed ceiling lights are a great alternative for your basement renovations. You can have as many as you want all across the ceiling, putting out plenty of light while illuminating your basement to make feel as well lit as possible. This also gives you the option of being able to install a dimmer switch, which is especially useful if you have a multi-functional space with layered lighting as one of your basement remodel ideas.

You also don’t lose out on visual space and ceiling height with this option, so if your basement ceiling is on the lower side, you won’t keep bumping your head on protruding light fittings.

False Lighted Window:

If you don’t have any windows in your basement and you want to make it look and feel like any other room of the house, a false lighted window makes for an interesting approach to consider. Have a window frame or two installed in your basement, painting the wall behind it white. Add some fluorescent light fittings into the gap where the window frame is, using daylight emanating bulbs.

Cover it with a sheer window treatment that lets plenty of light through and no one will ever know you don’t have real windows – this is a clever idea which is amazingly effective and works for a basement renovation on a budget as long as it looks tasteful and as less DIY as possible.


If you have a basement with a low ceiling, there’s plenty of ways to work around it without having to spend a fortune. When it comes to basement remodeling, there is only so much you can do to make your ceiling appear higher, so, embrace the ceiling height you do have to work with and use uplighting to add to the cozy feel a lower ceiling gives. Use soft light to create a relaxing ambiance to make the most of your basement remodel ideas.

Also, one of the great things about uplighting is that the shadows it creates are less harsh than you get with downlighting.

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